Corporate Advisory  I  Management Consulting  I  Private Equity

Luke Boorman

Managing Director

B Com, M Bus, CA, GDip AppFin, GAICD, FFin

Luke is a Chartered Accountant with 20 years of experience providing diverse corporate advisory, commercial director, investor representative and CFO services and advice for companies operating in the construction, mining services, manufacturing, technology, financial services and digital transformation and digital marketing sectors.

Bob Boorman



Bob is an established leader in the South Australian construction and property industry. Notable roles include  consulting to the South Australian Government on the successful Nation Building, BER and STEM Programs; General Manager SA of Baulderstone Hornibrook; Manager of Major Projects for Caversham/Aspen for the delivery of the City Central Development; Project Director of Holdfast Shores Consortium; National Board of the Smith Family; Deputy Chair of the SA Housing Trust; Director of Urban Renewal Authority; President of Bowls Australia;  President of Adelaide Bowling club and numerous other consulting and Board roles.

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.